Refrigerator Noises – On the House

Refrigerator Noises

By on January 3, 2014

Your frostless refrigerator whistles and wheezes. Is it a meltdown, a breakdown or is it getting ready to freeze up?

Your frostless refrigerator whistles and wheezes. Is it a meltdown, a breakdown or is it getting ready to freeze up? Whistles, wheezes, hisses and other strange noises that sound like squeals or chirping are not signals from outer space. Nor are they indications of an impending major breakdown. Rather, most often, they come from the fan motor of the evaporator mounted on the back wall of the freezer compartment.

To be certain, open the freezer when you hear it, and it’ll get louder – if this is, indeed, the source. If so, it’s just the small fan motor’s bearings, which are worn and ready to give out. Your local appliance center should stock a replacement. It’s an easy repair. Do it yourself, or call in a pro.

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