Refrigerator Mildew – On the House

Refrigerator Mildew

By on April 15, 2014
removing mildew from a refrigerator gasket


Is there any way to remove mildew from the rubber gasket on a refrigerator?



Yes. The process is simple. Use a sharpened ice cream stick to remove excess food and grease build-up between you and the mildew. It may not look like a build-up exists, but chances are it’s there.

Next, get a tooth brush and a small glass of pure household bleach and scrub. If you have done a good job of scraping with the ice cream stick, the black mildew will turn white. When mildew turns white or gray, it is dead.

Use a mild laundry detergent to scrub away the white residue and rinse with fresh water.

When cleaning with bleach, wear rubber gloves, protect your eyes and make sure the room is well ventilated. Protect the floor and cabinets too

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