Mildew Cleaning Formula – On the House

Mildew Cleaning Formula

By on April 15, 2014
bleach for mildew removal


I have heard you mention on your radio program a simple formula to get rid of mildew on painted or washable surfaces. I did not have a pencil and paper handy at the time and would most appreciate a copy.



The formula that you are referring is from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Products Laboratory. It includes the following ingredients:
  • 1/3 cup of powdered detergent
  • 1 quart liquid laundry bleach
  • 3 quarts warm water.

First add the bleach to the water, then the detergent. Keep the surface you are cleaning wet until the bleach removes the stains. Use a sponge and warm water to remove the solution. Make sure to wear rubber gloves and proper eye protection. And remember, never mix bleach with ammonia (or cleaners containing ammonia), since the two create an irritating, toxic gas.

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