Doors: Open and Shut Case – On the House

Doors: Open and Shut Case

By on June 9, 2014

Andy Griffith was born in 1926. In addition to his celebrated role as Sheriff Andy Taylor, he played Ben Matlock — a cagey Southern lawyer who (like Perry Mason) always solved the case and saved the day. Got a stubborn door that just won’t stay open? Swings shut before you’re in? Hits your back on the way out? It’s one of life’s little annoyances in need of the Carey correctional system.

All you need is a flat-blade screwdriver and a hammer. Use the screwdriver to remove a hinge pin from the problem door — preferably the center one. Lay the pin on concrete, and tap it up near the top, hard enough to slightly bend the hinge pin. Then tap the pin back into the hinge with a hammer. The new bend will create a slight resistance — just enough to keep the door from swinging shut. As Ben Matlock would say about putting annoying doors in their place, “Shucks, it ain’t no big deal. Just another open and shut case.”

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